Social memory

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"Contested Identity", or "Ethnic War"? The Endurance Test in the Republic of Macedonia Schwartz, Jonathan ENG 42 K
Exchanging the inalienable: The politics and practice of repatriating human remains from Museum and Maori tribal perspectives [Abstract] Jørgensen, Helle ENG 315 K
(Incl. images)
Facts and power. Reflections around a community history museum in Shetland Markussen, Turid ENG 298 K
German memory and identity on both sides of the Oder-Neisse Fure, Jorunn Sem ENG 40 K
Pligt og begær: et studie af unge letteres arbejde for europæisk integration [Feltarbejdssynopsis] Linnet, Jeppe DK 48 K
Til odel og eige? Slektskap, jord og arv på gardsbruk i ei vestnorsk bygd Daugstad, Gunnlaug NO 602 K