Vieda Skultans

This page links to texts on AnthroBase that contain substantial discussions of the work of Vieda Skultans.

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EU Accession and Personal Enlightenment: Everyday Sociality and Political Mobilization among Young Latvian NGO Activists Linnet, Jeppe ENG 311 K
Fra Funktionskost til Fusionskøkken Bjarnesen, Jesper
Johnsen, Anne-Mette
Mejdahl, Jane
Steiness, Helle Buch
DK 88 K
Pligt og begær: et studie af unge letteres arbejde for europæisk integration [Feltarbejdssynopsis] Linnet, Jeppe DK 48 K
Reborn Nation, Pure Generation. Citizenship, Political Participation and International NGO Life among Young Latvians Linnet, Jeppe ENG 31 K
Reforming habitus, reordering meaningful worlds: Soldiers' Mothers and social change in postsocialist Russia [Abstract - ENG] Hojer, Maja ENG 310 K
(incl. images)